The soul will unfold the mediumship. It’s the spirit within that will guide you far beyond the unexpected …
At the age of 5 I wished I knew what I would be. Now that I see the bigger picture I only feel gratitude for my journey and excitement for new adventures ahead.
- Teacher in Mediumship at the Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle Center in Scotland
- Tutor for the modules Teachings and Practices of Spiritualism 1 and 2 for the Spiritualists’ National Union
- Certificate Holder for Spiritualists’ National Union in Speaking and Demonstrating (CSNU)
- Holder of the PAS (Platform Accreditation Scheme) in Speaking and Demonstrating for the Spiritualists’ National Union
- Completed Mentorship Program for Advanced Mediums with Mavis Pittilla
- Various training modules at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, Engeland
About my journey Everything I reached for on the outside I discovered on the inside
I grew up in a middle-class working family. My parents ran their own business and survived though all of the challenges that came with it. Spirituality was never a common topic at our dining table. It was after my father passed on to Spirit that I got interested in the 'beyond'. Not having a clue I made my first steps into Spiritualism.
My Mediumship Journey became a structured development when I met Mavis Pittilla. She trained and mentored my for over ten years. It is an honor and pleasure to contribute to her 50-year legacy and to serve the Spiritualists' Church across the U.K. I made many friends within the Mediumship community and love to share our excitement for Spirit.
Besides my work as an independent Medium I am an active member of the Spiritualists' National Union. I hold the certificate (CSNU) in both speaking and demonstrating. Their vision on Spiritualism and Standard of Mediumship is globally recognized and truly one of a kind. For Dutch candidates I am a teacher in TPS1 & 2. We have great talent in The Netherlands and it is a pleasure to be a part of their development. In addition to my work for the SNU I demonstrate and teach Evidential Mediumship at the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Center in Edinburgh (Scotland). It is a beautiful place and a pleasure to work for.
My mission is to serve Spirit and to train a new generation of Mediums. To me that starts on the platform. I very much enjoy demonstrating my Mediumship and to connect the two worlds. My style of training focusses on sharing knowledge and the practical application of techniques. It is all about showing people how to develop their skills and enjoy the miracle that is Mediumship.
As I am on a journey of discovery I wish you well wherever you may go. Warm Regards, Eric